If you submit an image, you do so in accordance with the terms and conditions.
In contributing to the gallery you agree to grant us a royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to publish and otherwise use the material in any way that we want, and in any media worldwide. This may include the transmission of the material by the Church of Scotland and partners.
It's important to note, however, that you still own the copyright to everything you contribute to gallery and that if your image is accepted, we will endeavour to publish your name alongside it on website. We cannot guarantee that all pictures will be used and we reserve the right to edit your comments.
At no time should you endanger yourself or others, take any unnecessary risks or infringe any laws.
What are the rules for commenting and uploading?
We love you posting comments and uploading creations.
But please don’t do anything horrible, rude or illegal.
More specifically, please don’t post or upload anything that:
Is inappropriate (abusive, offensive or disruptive – NB: we have a zero-tolerance approach to user-to-user personal abuse)
Is off topic (to the original content or the current conversation. This includes commenting for the purpose of derailing the conversation with the intention of discussing another topic)
Contains personal information (either your own or someone else’s)
Puts children at risk
Is illegal, or glamorises illegal activity
Is defamatory (damaging to someone else’s reputation)
Is in contempt of court (anything that could affect the outcome of a court case)
Infringes anyone’s rights (including privacy rights)
Was made by someone else, or that copies someone else’s creation
Is posted for your financial gain (advertising, sponsorship etc.)
Isn’t in English (unless we’ve asked you to comment in another language - Welsh and Gaelic are currently not supported)
Contains spam (unless you’re commenting on a story about reconstituted meat)
Contains links to content that requires a log in, leads to a download or may otherwise be unsafe (viruses, spyware, paywalls etc.)
Breaks our election and referendum rules (No campaigning, no sloganeering, no polling, no encouraging others to vote a certain way and no mentions of who you voted for on election day itself)
Or doesn’t comply with the rest of our Terms of Use
Who owns the content I post or upload?
You own the copyright if whatever you post or upload is completely new and original. That usually means it doesn’t contain anyone else’s content, like videos and music.
For anything that contains content made by someone else, the copyright may belong to them. So you’ll usually need to get their permission before posting it to ABVCOS.
What can Abvcos do with the content that I post?
We may:
Use, host or store it in Abvcos services and content
Copy, change or translate it, or make things inspired by it
We will only edit your news related content where necessary.
Read about how we use your news related comments and creations here.
Use it with our tools for making creations or remixing content
Put your creations on display to inspire other people.
Invite others to use your creation to make their own creation
Moderate it
Which means we can review, edit, remove or decide not to display it. And, if it breaks any laws, we can refer it to the police and other authorities.
And we can use your creations:
Anywhere in the world
In any medium (for example TV, the internet, radio)
For as long as we want – even if you stop using our services.
And anyone we work with can do those things too. For example, if you send an image to Abvcos, we could share a news item featuring that image with Church of Scotland, who’d then be able to do all the things above.
Some other things we will and won’t do:
We may let other people use your creation. And sometimes we might let them edit it or make things inspired by it.
We won’t pay you for it.
We hope to use it. But we can’t guarantee it.
We usually show your name alongside whatever you post. But we can’t guarantee it.
We might contact you to check you’ve got permission to use any music, images, clips or text in whatever you post.
Sometimes the provider’s terms and conditions apply to using their tool. Do read their terms (which you can search for online) as they tell you what the provider can do with your creation when you use their tool.
A note about your “Moral Rights”
When you upload something, you give up your moral rights to it. That means we can use it without identifying you as the creator
We can also edit or change it without your permission. And you won’t have the right to say we’ve treated it in a “derogatory” way.
There more about your moral rights here.